Continuing Education Seminars
Rock on with gem knowledge through our expert-led Continuing Education Seminars. Crafted by GIA research scientists, each seminar touches upon the most pressing and relevant gemological topics of our day – from laboratory-grown gems to gem treatments, gem origins and more. These seminars give you practical, hands-on knowledge to help you thrive in your trade and our industry.
FEBRUARY 2 - 3, 2021
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. PT
- Dr. Aaron Palke
- Wim Vertriest
US $995
GIA Alumni receive a 10% discount
Availability is limited. Delivered online.
Country of origin greatly affects the provenance and therefore the value of gemstones. How do GIA scientists determine where some of the world's most popular stones such as ruby, sapphire, emerald, spinel and alexandrite come from? Learn from the experts at our live seminar as GIA researchers Dr. Aaron Palke and Wim Vertriest cover global colored stone deposits and walk you through the origin identification process through images, video and live demonstrations, showing you what researchers look for under the microscope. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with instructors and will receive digital reference material.
February 4, 2021
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. PT
- Nathan Renfro
- Wim Vertriest
US $195
GIA Alumni receive a 10% discount
Availability is limited. Delivered online.
Seminar Description
Corundum is one of the most valuable mineral groups on the market, which explains why many treatments have been invented to improve their quality and value. One of the hardest treatments to detect is low temperature heat treatment. What are the clues showing that a stone has been treated in this way? Join us as GIA researchers Nathan Renfro and Wim Vertriest take you step-by-step through the detection process using images, videos and live demonstrations. You’ll have the opportunity to interact with instructors and will receive digital reference material.
February 5, 2021
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT
- Nathan Renfro
US $195
GIA Alumni receive a 10% discount
Availability is limited. Delivered online.
Seminar Description
Microscopy is the one of the most valuable tools for documenting micro-features in gems and can aid greatly in gem identification and appraisal. It can also be practiced with both advanced equipment and something as simple as a cellphone camera. If you've been curious about or in awe of the secrets contained within gemstones, don't miss this seminar led by GIA's Manager of Gem Identification, Nathan Renfro. Follow along as he covers techniques, lighting tips, equipment and more that can help you peer into and record the inner world of gemstones.
February 4, 2021 GIA Knowledge Session: Gems of the Southwest
The American Southwest has long been known for its distinctive jewelry, with the most iconic perhaps being Native American turquoise jewelry. An integral part of Navajo culture, turquoise beads are given to babies at birth and used in initiation rites and marriage and healing ceremonies. Other gemstones like opal, mother-of-pearl, and onyx have also been cherished throughout this region’s history. How have gemstones shaped the lore and culture of this region? What are the geologic conditions that allowed for the formation of these gemstones? And what sets these gemstones apart from those found in other places in the world? Discover all this and more as GIA scientist Aaron Palke and Emerald Tanner take us on a gemological journey into the rugged American Southwest.

Dr. Aaron Palke
Dr. Palke started his career in gemology as a postdoctoral research associate at GIA after earning his Ph.D. in Geology from Stanford University. During this time, Palke investigated the geological history of rubies and sapphires by studying minute inclusions in these precious gems. In his position as Senior Manager of Research at GIA, he helps lead colored stone research efforts in order to provide more reliable country of origin determinations and treatment identification for rubies, sapphire, emeralds and other colored stones.

Emerald Tanner
Emerald Tanner is a fifth generation trader and Southwest Indian Art Dealer. Her great grandfathers were some of the first to settle the American Southwest, working for and with Native American tribes of the area and establishing and operating classic time trading. The family has had galleries all over the American West and currently resides in Gallup, New Mexico. Tanner herself attended college at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. From the time she sold her first concho belt at seven years old, she fell for Native American jewelry and now wears it and shares it with clients, collectors, and friends from all over the world.
February 4, 2021Alumni Virtual Event
GIA Alumni Association: Explore, Navigate and Learn
With a new year comes new opportunities to connect. Join us for this virtual event as the GIA Alumni Association welcomes our new executive director – Cathryn Ramirez – and unveils plans for 2021. Learn about new Continuing Education offerings, and cheer along as the winner of the Buccellati Jewelry Design competition is announced. We can’t wait to (virtually) see you there!
Gianmaria Buccellati Foundation Award for Excellence in Jewelry Design
Established in 2017, the Gianmaria Buccellati Foundation Award for Excellence in Jewelry Design was conceived as a way of inspiring beginning jewelry designers while honoring the work of the renowned jewelry house’s founder, Gianmaria Buccellati. The winner is awarded a week’s stay in Italy as a guest of the Gianmaria Buccellati Foundation and attends an award ceremony in Milan sponsored by the Foundation.
Dozens of GIA Jewelry Design students competed to be finalists for the award in 2020. Nine finalists from seven GIA campuses had their designs evaluated by peers, faculty and ultimately by a panel of distinguished judges. The students’ designs were presented in their original, hand-rendered format, accompanied by statements that identified the materials to be used to create the design as well as the inspiration behind the design.
Photos of past award winning submissions
Register for our free virtual events below. Register for our Continuing Education Seminars through the links above.